Toronto Lobbying Report: Home

Government Funding

Government Name Program
Alberta Government Circular Economy Challenge, Emissions Reduction Alberta
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency ACOA
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Regional Development Agency
BC Tourism
Bournemouth, Poole & Christchurch Council Marketing & Community engagement
Business Development Bank of Canada Food & Beverage
Canada BDC
Canada CEBA
Canada CEBA loan
Canada CEWS
Canada CEWS
Canada CRA (Wage Subsidy)
Canada CanExport
Canada Canada Summer Jobs
Canada DRDC
Canada Department of Canadian Heritage
Canada Department of Canadian Heritage
Canada Department of Canadian Heritage
Canada Department of Canadian Heritage
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Canada FedDev Ontario
Canada IAP
Canada IRAP
Canada IRAP
Canada ISED
Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program
Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program
Canada Learnsphere
Canada NRC
Canada NRC IRAP IAP funding
Canada NRC IRAP Program
Canada NSERC
Canada National Research Council Canada - Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP)
Canada National Research Council Canada - Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP)
Canada National Research Council of Canada - Industry Research Assistance Program
Canada National Research Council of Canada - Industry Research Assistance Program
Canada National Science and Engineering Research Council
Canada National Science and Engineering Research Council
Canada Next Canada
Canada Next Canada
Canada Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE)
Canada Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE)
Canada SR&ED
Canada SR&ED Tax Credits
Canada SRED
Canada SRED
Canada SRED Program
Canada & Quebec MEI, ENCQOR, CNRC
Canada Federal Government and Ontario Government SR&ED (CRA and ON Min. of Finance)
Canada Gouvernement Global affairs
Canada Government National Research Council of Canada
Canada Government National Research Council of Canada
Canada Infrastructure Bank Infrastructure Funds
Canada Revenue Agency Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy
Canada Revenue Agency SR&ED
Canada Revenue Agency SR&ED
Canada Revenue Agency Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives
Canada Revenue Agency Tax Incentive Program - Scientific Research and Experiment Development
Canada and Ontario DND and MTO
Canadian ACOA
Canadian Federal Goverment SR&ED Tax Credits
Canadian Federal Government Build In Canada Innovation Program
Canadian Federal Government Build In Canada Innovation Program
Canadian Federal Government Business Development Bank of Canada
Canadian Federal Government IRAP
Canadian Federal Government IRAP
Canadian Federal Government IRAP
Canadian Federal Government IRAP
Canadian Federal Government Industrial Research Assistance Program
Canadian Federal Government NGen Supercluster
Canadian Federal Government NRCan Breakthrough Energy Solutions Canada
Canadian Federal Government NRCan Investments in Forest Industry Transformation
Canadian Federal Government NSERC
Canadian Federal Government National Research Council - IRAP
Canadian Federal Government SR&ED
Canadian Federal Government SR&ED
Canadian Federal Government SRED
Canadian Federal Government SRED
Canadian Federal Government Sustainable Development Technology Canada
Canadian Government Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP)
Canadian Government Crédit d’impôt en Recherche Scientifique & Développement Expérimental (RS&DE)
Canadian Government Global Affairs, Public Health Canada
Canadian Government IRAP
Canadian Government Innovation, Science and Economic Development
Canadian Government NRC IRAP
Canadian Government NRC-IRAP
Canadian Government National Research Council Canada
Canadian Government WIMTACH
Canadian Space Agency ?
Canexport Trade commissioner Service - Global Affairs Canada
Carcross Tagish First Nations N/A
City of Arcadia, CA, USA Development Services Department/Engineering Division
City of Arcadia, CA, USA Development Services Department/Engineering Division
City of Austin, TX Transportation Department
City of Calgary Emergency Management
City of Edmonton Alberta Innovates
City of Guelph Solid Waste
City of Guelph Solid Waste
City of Hamilton CAO
City of Hamilton CAO
City of Kingston council
City of Kingston council
City of Laval Economic development
City of Laval Economic development
City of Laval Trade Mission
City of Laval Trade Mission
City of Laval Trade Mission
City of London London Hydro
City of London London Hydro
City of London London Hydro
City of London London Hydro
City of London London Hydro
City of London London Hydro
City of London London Hydro
City of London London Hydro
City of London city
City of London city
City of Ottawa Dept of Public Works
City of Raleigh, NC; Transportation Department
City of Sydney Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
City of Toronto City of Toronto
City of Toronto Community Service Partnership
City of Toronto Department of Purchasing
City of Toronto EDSIP
City of Toronto EDSIP
City of Toronto Economic Development
City of Toronto Economic Development
City of Toronto Employment and Social Services
City of Toronto Live Green toronto
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Open Door, Affordable Housing Office
City of Toronto Toronto Arts Council
City of Toronto Toronto Arts Council
City of Toronto Toronto Atmospheric Fund
City of Toronto Toronto Atmospheric Fund
City of Toronto Toronto Children Services- PWE
City of Toronto Toronto City Culture
City of Toronto Toronto City Culture
City of Toronto Toronto City Culture
City of Toronto Toronto Community Housing Corporation
City of Toronto Toronto Culture
City of Toronto Toronto Culture
City of Toronto Toronto Economic Development Corporation Org. (TEDCO)
City of Toronto Toronto Police Services
City of Toronto Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto Toronto Transit Commission
City of Toronto Toronto Transit Commission
City of Toronto Toronto Transit Commission
City of Toronto Toronto Transit Commission
City of Toronto Toronto Transit Commission
City of Toronto Toronto Transit Commission
City of Toronto Toronto Transit Commission
City of Toronto Tourism Toronto
City of Toronto Tourism Toronto
City of Winnipeg City Clerk's Office
Colchester County Council Town Planning
Commonweath of Virginia Senate of Virginia
County of Simcoe Forest and Habitat
County of Wheatland, Alberta NA
County of Wheatland, Alberta NA
County of Wheatland, Alberta NA
County of Wheatland, Alberta NA
County of Wheatland, Alberta NA
County of Wheatland, Alberta NA
County of Wheatland, Alberta NA
County of Wheatland, Alberta NA
County of Wheatland, Alberta NA
Dudley Council Community Engagement
Eco Canada Environmental certification
Employment and Social Development Canada Canada Summer Jobs wage subsidy
Employment and Social Development Canada Skills Partnership Fund
Employment and Social Development Canada Skills Partnership Fund
Employment and Social Development Canada Student Work Placement Program
FACTOR Music, Venues and Promoters
FEDNOR Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario
FedDev Federal Economic Development Agency
FedDev Canada AC Jump
Federal Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)
Federal CERS
Federal CEWS
Federal Canada Summer Jobs Grant
Federal ECO Canada
Federal ENRCan
Federal Eco Canada
Federal Employment and Social Development Canada
Federal Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Federal Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
Federal FedDev
Federal Global Affairs Canada
Federal Mitacs
Federal NRC SRED
Federal National Research Council
Federal Natural Resources Canada
Federal Natural Resources Canada
Federal Natural Resources Canada
Federal Natural Resources Canada
Federal Natural Resources Canada
Federal Natural Resources Canada
Federal Public Safety Canada
Federal R & D - SHRED
Federal SR&ED
Federal Sport Canada
Federal US Dept of Defense
Federal Via Rail Canada
Federal Western Economic Diversification Canada
Federal Goverment FedNor
Federal Government BDC - Covid Loan
Federal Government Build in Canada Innovation Program
Federal Government CEWS
Federal Government Canada Emergency Relief Benefit
Federal Government Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy - CEWS
Federal Government Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy - CEWS
Federal Government Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy - CEWS
Federal Government Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ)
Federal Government Canadian Community Foundation
Federal Government Canadian Periodical Fund
Federal Government Canadian Summer Jobs
Federal Government Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Federal Government DRDC - CSSP
Federal Government Dept. of Employment and Social Development Canada
Federal Government EcoEnergy
Federal Government Federal Economic Development Agency for Eastern Ontario
Federal Government Federal Economic Development Agency for Eastern Ontario
Federal Government Federal Economic Development Agency for Eastern Ontario
Federal Government Global Affairs Canada
Federal Government IRAP
Federal Government Industry Canada
Federal Government Industry Canada
Federal Government NRCAN
Federal Government NRCAN
Federal Government NSERC
Federal Government NSERC
Federal Government National Research Council
Federal Government National Research Council of Canada
Federal Government Natural Resources Canada
Federal Government SR&ED
Federal Government SRED
Federal Government Sectoral Initiatives Program - Grassroots Revitalization
Federal Government Sectoral Initiatives Program - Grassroots Revitalization
Federal Government Sectoral Initiatives Program - Grassroots Revitalization
Federal Government Sectoral Initiatives Program - Grassroots Revitalization
Federal Government Transport Canada
Federal Government Transport Canada
Federal Government Transport Canada
Federal Government Transport Canada
Federal Government Women and Gender Equality
Federal Government Challenge Fund Ministry of the Environment, Environmental and Climate Change Canada
Federal Government of Canada Atlantic Canadian Opportunities Agency
Federal Government of Canada CEWS during COVID
Federal Government of Canada COVID-19 business support
Federal Government of Canada COVID-19 business support
Federal Government of Canada COVID-19 related Wage Subsidies and related programs
Federal Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Federal Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Federal Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Federal Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Federal Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Federal Government of Canada Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Federal Government of Canada IRAP
Federal Government of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program
Federal Government of Canada NRC-IRAP
Federal Government of Canada Natural Resources Canada
Federal Government of Canada SR&ED
Federal Government of Canada Scientific Research and Experimental Development
Federal Government of Canada Scientific Research and Experimental Development
Federal Government of Canada Scientific Research and Exploratory Development Tax Credits
Federal Government of Canada Sustainable Development Technology Canada
Federal Government of Canada Sustainable Development Technology Canada
Federal Govt CanExport
Federal Govt IRAP
Federal Govt NSERC
Federal Govt SRED
Federal Govt SRED
Federal and Ontario Canada-Ontario Jobs Grant
Federal and Provincial MiTACS-Accelerate
Federal and Provincial OCE, IRAP
Federal government NRC IRAP
Federation of Canadian Municipalities Climate Change Readiness in Asset Management Planning
France BPI
GOVERNMENT OF CANADA Business Development Bank of Canada
GOVERNMENT OF CANADA Environmental Careers Organization of Canada
GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FED DEV - Community Futures of Prince Edward and Lennox Addington
GOVERNMENT OF CANADA National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program
GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO Southern Ontario Fund for Investment in Innovation
Germany Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Germany Ministry of Environment
Gouvernement du Canada Agence du Revenu du Canada
Gouvernement du Canada CanExport
Gouvernement du Canada Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED)
Gouvernement du Québec Crédits d’impôt au Développement des Affaires Électroniques (CDAE)
Gouvernement du Québec Emploi Québec
Gouvernement du Québec Ministère de l'Environnement et des changements climatiques
Gouvernement du Québec Programme d'innovation en cybersécurité du Québec (PICQ)
Gouvernement du Québec Promptinov (Prompt Québec) Programme d'innovation en cybersécurité du Québec 2.0 (PICQ)
Gouvernement du Québec Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED)
Gouvernement du Québec Tax credit for the development of e-business (CDAE)
Goverment of Ontario Ministry of Education
Goverment of Ontario Ministry of Education
Government New Brunswick Oppportunities New Brunswick
Government New Brunswick Oppportunities New Brunswick
Government New Brunswick Oppportunities New Brunswick
Government New Brunswick Oppportunities New Brunswick
Government of Alberta Alberta Energy
Government of Alberta Alberta Energy
Government of Alberta Alberta Energy
Government of Alberta Alberta Energy
Government of Alberta Alberta Energy
Government of Alberta Alberta Energy
Government of Alberta Clean Resources Continuous Intake Application
Government of Alberta Emissions Reduction Alberta
Government of Alberta Emissions Reduction Alberta - Shovel Ready Challenge
Government of Alberta Emissions Reduction Alberta - Shovel Ready Challenge
Government of Alberta Emissions Reduction Alberta - Shovel Ready Challenge
Government of Alberta Emissions Reduction Alberta - Shovel Ready Challenge
Government of Alberta Ministry of Community and Social Services
Government of Alberta Ministry of Justice and Solicitor General
Government of Alberta Ministry of Labour and Immigration
Government of Alberta Oil Sands Innovation Challenge
Government of BC ISED, Trade
Government of BC Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
Government of British Columbia BC Housing
Government of British Columbia BC Housing
Government of British Columbia BC Housing
Government of British Columbia BC Housing
Government of British Columbia BC Housing
Government of British Columbia BC Housing
Government of British Columbia Energy, Mines, and Low Carbon Innovation
Government of Canada ACOA
Government of Canada ACOA-BDP
Government of Canada AGE-WELL
Government of Canada Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Government of Canada Agriculture Canada
Government of Canada Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Government of Canada Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Government of Canada Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Government of Canada Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Government of Canada CEWS
Government of Canada CEWS, Emergency Rent Subsidy, CEBA
Government of Canada CMHC
Government of Canada CRA
Government of Canada CRIN: Low Emission Fuels and Products Technology Competition
Government of Canada CRTC Broadband Fund
Government of Canada CRTC Broadband Fund
Government of Canada CRTC Broadband Fund
Government of Canada CRTC Broadband Fund
Government of Canada CRTC Broadband Fund
Government of Canada CRTC Broadband Fund
Government of Canada CRTC Broadband Fund
Government of Canada CRTC Broadband Fund
Government of Canada CRTC Broadband Fund
Government of Canada Canada Council for the Arts
Government of Canada Canada Council for the Arts
Government of Canada Canada Council for the Arts
Government of Canada Canada Council for the Arts
Government of Canada Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP)
Government of Canada Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA)
Government of Canada Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
Government of Canada Canada Heritage Dept.
Government of Canada Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Government of Canada Canada Mortgage and Housing Agency
Government of Canada Canada Mortgage and Housing Agency
Government of Canada Canada Mortgage and Housing Agency
Government of Canada Canada Mortgage and Housing Agency
Government of Canada Canada Mortgage and Housing Agency
Government of Canada Canada Mortgage and Housing Agency
Government of Canada Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency - CEWS
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency - CEWS
Government of Canada Canada Revenue Agency - SR&ED
Government of Canada Canada Summer Jobs
Government of Canada Canada Summer Jobs
Government of Canada Canada-Ontario Jobs Grant
Government of Canada Canada-Ontario Jobs Grant
Government of Canada Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Government of Canada Canadian Heritage (PCH)
Government of Canada Canadian Space Agency
Government of Canada Canadian Wildlife Service
Government of Canada Citizenship and Immigration
Government of Canada Clean Fuels Fund, Natural Resources Canada
Government of Canada Department of Canadian Heritage
Government of Canada Department of Canadian Heritage
Government of Canada Department of Canadian Heritage
Government of Canada Department of National Defence (IDEaS)
Government of Canada Department of National Defence (IDEaS)
Government of Canada Department of the Environment
Government of Canada ECO Canada Internship Grant Program
Government of Canada Eco Canada
Government of Canada Employment and Social Development
Government of Canada Employment and Social Development
Government of Canada Employment and Social Development Canada
Government of Canada Energy Innovation Program - Carbon Capture
Government of Canada Environment Canada
Government of Canada Environment Canada
Government of Canada Environment Canada
Government of Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada
Government of Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada
Government of Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada
Government of Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada
Government of Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada
Government of Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada, Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change
Government of Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada, Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change
Government of Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada, Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change
Government of Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada, Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change
Government of Canada Export and Trade Finance
Government of Canada Export and Trade Finance
Government of Canada FEDDEV - IBI and RRRF
Government of Canada FedDev
Government of Canada FedDev Ontario
Government of Canada FedDev Ontario
Government of Canada FedDev Ontario
Government of Canada FedDev Ontario
Government of Canada FedDev Ontario
Government of Canada FedDev Ontario
Government of Canada FedDev Ontario
Government of Canada FedDev Ontario
Government of Canada FedDev Ontario
Government of Canada FedDev Ontario
Government of Canada FedNor
Government of Canada FedNor
Government of Canada FedNor
Government of Canada Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Government of Canada Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Government of Canada Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Government of Canada Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Government of Canada Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Government of Canada Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Government of Canada Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Government of Canada Federal Rent Subsidy
Government of Canada Federal Wage Subsidy
Government of Canada Finance
Government of Canada Finance
Government of Canada Finance
Government of Canada Finance
Government of Canada Finance
Government of Canada Finance
Government of Canada Finance
Government of Canada Global Affairs Canada - CanExport
Government of Canada Global Affairs Canada - CanExport
Government of Canada Global Affairs Canada - CanExport
Government of Canada Global Affairs Canada - CanExport
Government of Canada Global Affairs Canada - CanExport
Government of Canada Global Affairs Canada - CanExport
Government of Canada Global Affairs Canada - CanExport
Government of Canada Global Affairs Canada - CanExport
Government of Canada Global Affairs Canada - CanExport
Government of Canada Global Affairs Canada - CanExport
Government of Canada Global Affairs Canada - CanExport
Government of Canada GreenCentre
Government of Canada Health Canada
Government of Canada Health Canada
Government of Canada Heritage Canada
Government of Canada Heritage Canada
Government of Canada Heritage Canada
Government of Canada Heritage Canada
Government of Canada Heritage Canada
Government of Canada Heritage Canada
Government of Canada Heritage Canada
Government of Canada Heritage Canada
Government of Canada Heritage Canada
Government of Canada Human Resources and Social Development
Government of Canada INAC
Government of Canada IRAP
Government of Canada IRAP
Government of Canada IRAP
Government of Canada IRAP
Government of Canada IRAP
Government of Canada IRAP
Government of Canada ISED
Government of Canada ISED
Government of Canada ISED
Government of Canada ITAC (Student Work-Integrated Learning Program)
Government of Canada Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Government of Canada Income tax credit for trainees
Government of Canada Indigenous Services Canada
Government of Canada Indigenous Services Canada
Government of Canada Indigenous and Northern Affairs
Government of Canada Indigenous and Northern Affairs
Government of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program
Government of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program
Government of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program
Government of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP)
Government of Canada Industry Canada
Government of Canada Industry Canada
Government of Canada Industry Canada - NRC-IRAP
Government of Canada Infrastructure Canada
Government of Canada Innovation Science & Economic Development Canada
Government of Canada Innovation Science & Economic Development Canada
Government of Canada Innovation Science & Economic Development Canada
Government of Canada Innovation Science & Economic Development Canada
Government of Canada Innovation Science & Economic Development Canada
Government of Canada Innovation Science & Economic Development Canada
Government of Canada Innovation Science & Economic Development Canada
Government of Canada Innovation Science & Economic Development Canada
Government of Canada Innovation Science & Economic Development Canada
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Economic Development
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Economic Development
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (Industry Canada)
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (Industry Canada)
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (Industry Canada)
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (Industry Canada)
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (Industry Canada)
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (Industry Canada)
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Industry - SIF Program
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Industry - SIF Program
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Industry - SIF Program
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Industry - SIF Program
Government of Canada Innovation, Science and Industry - SIF Program
Government of Canada Investment Readiness Program
Government of Canada Investment Readiness Program through Employment and Social Development Canada
Government of Canada Job Hiring Grants
Government of Canada Job Skills Training Program
Government of Canada Ministry of Natural Resources
Government of Canada Mitacs
Government of Canada Mitacs
Government of Canada NRC IRAP
Government of Canada NRC IRAP
Government of Canada NRC IRAP Funding
Government of Canada NRC- IRAP
Government of Canada NRC-IRAP
Government of Canada NRC-IRAP
Government of Canada NRC-IRAP
Government of Canada NRC-IRAP
Government of Canada NRCan
Government of Canada NRCan, NRC, GAC
Government of Canada NSERC
Government of Canada NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council)
Government of Canada National Research Center
Government of Canada National Research Center
Government of Canada National Research Council
Government of Canada National Research Council
Government of Canada National Research Council
Government of Canada National Research Council
Government of Canada National Research Council
Government of Canada National Research Council (IRAP)
Government of Canada National Research Council (NRC) - IRAP
Government of Canada National Research Council - IRAP
Government of Canada National Research Council - IRAP
Government of Canada National Research Council - IRAP
Government of Canada National Research Council / IRAP
Government of Canada National Research Council Canada
Government of Canada National Research Council Canada - Industrial Research Assistance Program
Government of Canada National Research Council Canada, NRC-IRAP Innovation
Government of Canada National Research Council of Canada
Government of Canada Natural Resources Canada
Government of Canada Natural Resources Canada
Government of Canada Natural Resources Canada
Government of Canada Natural Resources Canada
Government of Canada Natural Resources Canada
Government of Canada Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Government of Canada Natural Resources Canada Internship Program
Government of Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Government of Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Government of Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Government of Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Government of Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Government of Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Government of Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Government of Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Government of Canada Public Health Agency
Government of Canada Public Health Agency of Canada
Government of Canada Public Works
Government of Canada Public Works
Government of Canada Public Works
Government of Canada Public Works
Government of Canada Public Works
Government of Canada Public Works
Government of Canada Public Works
Government of Canada Reseach Experimental Development Tax Credits
Government of Canada Revenue Canada
Government of Canada SDTC
Government of Canada SR&ED Funding
Government of Canada SR&ED tax credits
Government of Canada SRED
Government of Canada Salary subsidy
Government of Canada Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Credits
Government of Canada Scientific Research & Experimental Development Credit
Government of Canada Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program
Government of Canada Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program
Government of Canada Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive Program
Government of Canada Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Government of Canada Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Government of Canada Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Government of Canada Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Government of Canada Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Government of Canada Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Government of Canada Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Government of Canada Standards Council of Canada
Government of Canada Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) - Career Ready Program subsidy
Government of Canada Sustainable Development Technology Canada
Government of Canada Sustainable Development Technology Canada
Government of Canada Sustainable Development Technology Canada
Government of Canada Telefilm Canada
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
Government of Canada The Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
Government of Canada Trade Commission (CanExport)
Government of Canada Trade Commission (CanExport)
Government of Canada Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Canada Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Canada Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Canada Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Canada Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Canada Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Canada Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Canada Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Canada Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Canada Veterans Affairs Canada
Government of Canada Via the Clean Foundation
Government of Canada Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE)
Government of Canada Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program
Government of Canada - Federal SRED
Government of Canada's Work-Integrated Learning Riipen - Level Up (
Government of Canada- Provincial SRED
Government of Canada’s Student Work Placement Prog Technation Canada (
Government of Manitoba Efficiency Manitoba
Government of Manitoba Efficiency Manitoba
Government of Manitoba Efficiency Manitoba
Government of Manitoba Efficiency Manitoba
Government of Manitoba Efficiency Manitoba
Government of Manitoba Efficiency Manitoba
Government of Manitoba Manitoba Hydro
Government of Manitoba Manitoba Infrastructure & Transportation
Government of Manitoba Manitoba Infrastructure & Transportation
Government of New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
Government of New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
Government of New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
Government of New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
Government of New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
Government of New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
Government of New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
Government of New Brunswick Opportunities New Brunswick (export support)
Government of New Brunswick Opportunities New Brunswick (export support)
Government of New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage
Government of Nova Scotia Department of Community Services
Government of Nova Scotia Service Nova Scotia
Government of Ontario Canada-Ontario Jobs Grant
Government of Ontario Canada-Ontario Jobs Grant
Government of Ontario Celebrate Ontario
Government of Ontario Celebrate Ontario
Government of Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator
Government of Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator
Government of Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator
Government of Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator
Government of Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator
Government of Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator
Government of Ontario Industrial Electricity Incentive
Government of Ontario Jobs and Prosperity Fund
Government of Ontario MCSS
Government of Ontario MCSS, ODSP - Employment Supports
Government of Ontario MCSS, ODSP - Employment Supports
Government of Ontario MCSS, ODSP - Employment Supports
Government of Ontario MCSS, ODSP - Employment Supports
Government of Ontario MCSS, ODSP - Employment Supports
Government of Ontario MCSS, ODSP - Employment Supports
Government of Ontario MCSS, ODSP - Employment Supports
Government of Ontario MCSS, ODSP - Employment Supports
Government of Ontario MCSS, ODSP - Employment Supports
Government of Ontario MCSS, ODSP - Employment Supports
Government of Ontario MCSS, ODSP - Employment Supports
Government of Ontario MCSS, ODSP - Employment Supports
Government of Ontario MCSS, ODSP - Employment Supports
Government of Ontario MCSS, ODSP - Employment Supports
Government of Ontario Metrolinx
Government of Ontario Metrolinx
Government of Ontario Metrolinx
Government of Ontario Metrolinx
Government of Ontario Metrolinx
Government of Ontario Metrolinx
Government of Ontario Metrolinx
Government of Ontario Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration
Government of Ontario Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration
Government of Ontario Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration
Government of Ontario Ministry of Community & Social Services
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development & Innovation
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Government of Ontario Ministry of Education
Government of Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
Government of Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Government of Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Government of Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Government of Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Government of Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Government of Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities - Canada-Ontario Job Grant
Government of Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities - Canada-Ontario Job Grant
Government of Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities - Canada-Ontario Job Grant
Government of Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities - Canada-Ontario Job Grant
Government of Ontario Ministry of Transportation
Government of Ontario Ministry of Transportation
Government of Ontario Ministry of Transportation
Government of Ontario Ministry of Transportation
Government of Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General
Government of Ontario Ministry of the Environment
Government of Ontario Ontario Arts Council
Government of Ontario Ontario Arts Council
Government of Ontario Ontario Arts Council
Government of Ontario Ontario Arts Council
Government of Ontario Ontario Arts Foundation
Government of Ontario Ontario Center of Excellence
Government of Ontario Ontario Center of Excellence
Government of Ontario Ontario Centre for Innovation
Government of Ontario Ontario Centre of Innovation
Government of Ontario Ontario Creates
Government of Ontario Ontario Digital Media Tax Credits
Government of Ontario Ontario Media Development Corp.
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infastructure
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation & Trade
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation & Trade
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation & Trade
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation & Trade
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation & Trade
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP)
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP)
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP)
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP)
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP)
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP)
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP)
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, Skills Development (MLTSD)
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, Skills Development (MLTSD)
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, Skills Development (MLTSD)
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, Skills Development (MLTSD)
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, Skills Development (MLTSD)
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, Skills Development (MLTSD)
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, Skills Development (MLTSD)
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, and Skills Development
Government of Ontario Ontario Together Fund
Government of Ontario Ontario Trillim Foundation
Government of Ontario Ontario Trillium Foundation
Government of Ontario Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network
Government of Ontario Ontario's Centre of Excellence, OCE-CVTA
Government of Ontario Reconnect Ontario
Government of Ontario Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT)
Government of Ontario Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT)
Government of Ontario Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT)
Government of Ontario Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT)
Government of Ontario Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT)
Government of Ontario Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT)
Government of Ontario Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology SWIFT
Government of Ontario Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology SWIFT
Government of Ontario Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology SWIFT
Government of Ontario TC-LHIN, Central LHIN
Government of Ontario Trillium
Government of Ontario Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Ontario Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Ontario Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Ontario Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Ontario Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Ontario Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Ontario Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Ontario Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Ontario Universal Broadband Fund
Government of Ontario Universities Co-op Hire Grant
Government of Ontario, Government of Canada Ministry of Natural Resources, Department of Environment, Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Government of Ontario, Government of Canada Ministry of Natural Resources, Department of Environment, Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Government of Quebec Innovation ENCQOR
Government of Quebec Investissement Quebec
Government of Quebec Investissement Quebec
Government of Quebec Investissement Quebec
Government of Quebec Investissement Québec
Government of Quebec Ministere de l'economie, innovation et exportation (MEIE)
Government of Quebec Ministere de l'economie, innovation et exportation (MEIE)
Government of Quebec Ministry of Economy & Innovation
Government of Quebec Revenu Quebec
Government of Queensland SEQWater
Government of Victoria Department of Health and Human Services
Governments of Canada and Ontario Eastern Ontario Regional Network
Governments of Canada and Ontario Eastern Ontario Regional Network
Governments of Canada and Ontario Eastern Ontario Regional Network
Governments of Canada and Ontario Eastern Ontario Regional Network
Governments of Canada and Ontario Eastern Ontario Regional Network
Governments of Canada and Ontario Eastern Ontario Regional Network
Governments of Canada and Ontario Eastern Ontario Regional Network
Governments of Canada and Ontario Eastern Ontario Regional Network
Governments of Canada and Ontario Eastern Ontario Regional Network
Governments of Canada and Ontario OCE, NRC, NSERC, Connect Canada, Auto21
GreenCentre Canada Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
HM Government of Great Britain Cabinet office
Haliburton County Development Corperation Eastern ontario development fund
Halton Hills city
Halton Hills city
Halton Region Regional govt
Halton Region Regional govt
Halton Region Social & Community Services
Hamilton city councillors Maureen Wilson
Hamilton city councillors Maureen Wilson
IRAP Multiple R&D & employment programs
Investissement Quebec Developpement des affaires electroiques programme
Investment Readiness Program Granting Program Government of Canada via Foundation of Black Communities Organization
Ireland Enterprise Ireland
Israel Office of the Chief Scientist
Japanese Government Ministry of Economy
Jobs and Prosperity Fund Ministery of Economic Development
Jobs and Prosperity Fund Ministery of Economic Development
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Procurement department (subcontractor relationship)
Little Salmon Carmacks First Nations N/A
Local Govt Bay Area AQMD
Local Municipalities (Towns/Cities) in the U.S. Upon request
Manitoba Retail Crime Task Force Project
Manitoba Retail Crime Task Force Project
Manitoba Government Innovation Growth Program
Manitoba Government Innovation Growth Program
March of Dimes Canada Home and Vehicle modification program
Ministry of Education Early Years Grants
Ministry of Health Assistive Devices Program
Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Long Term Care Homes
Ministry of Health and Long term Care Toronto Central LHIN
Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training & Skills Skills Development Fund
Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation Québec Programme Export Québec
Municipal Government City of Toronto
Municipal- Sault Ste Marie Economic Development Fund
Municipality of Mississauga City of Mississauga
Municipality of Toronto City of Toronto
NRCAN 2 Billion Trees
NRCan Natural Resources Canada
National Research Council IRAP
National Research Council IRAP
National Research Council IRAP
National Research Council Industrial Assistance Program
National Research Council Canada Industrial Research Association Program
National Research Council Canada National Research Council Canada
National Research Council Canada National Research Council Canada
National Research Council Canada National Research Council Canada
National Research Council of Canada IRAP
National Research Council of Canada IRAP
National Research Council of Canada IRAP
National Research Council of Canada IRAP
National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program
Natural Resources Canada Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP)
New Brunswick Government Canadian Business Development Corporation
New York State New York State Venture Capital Fund
New Zealand Challaghan Innvoation
North Lanarkshire Council Community engagement & communication
Northwest Territories Environment
Nova Scotia Department of Finance Nova Scotia Department of Finance
Nova Scotia Goverment Invest Nova Scotia
ONTARIO MaRS Discovery District
OTF Capital
Ontario AODA Enabling Retail Project
Ontario AODA Enabling Retail Project
Ontario Canadian Media Fund
Ontario Co-operative Education Tax Credit
Ontario ENCQOR 5G Funding
Ontario Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Ontario Employment Ontario
Ontario JPF
Ontario MTCU
Ontario MTCU, MEDT, & Others
Ontario Ministry of Economic Development
Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Ontario Ministry of Training Labour and Skills Development
Ontario Minstry of Labour Trasing and Skills Development
Ontario Minstry of Labour Trasing and Skills Development
Ontario Minstry of Labour Trasing and Skills Development
Ontario Minstry of Labour Trasing and Skills Development
Ontario Minstry of Labour Trasing and Skills Development
Ontario Minstry of Labour Trasing and Skills Development
Ontario Minstry of Labour Trasing and Skills Development
Ontario Minstry of Labour Trasing and Skills Development
Ontario Minstry of Labour Trasing and Skills Development
Ontario Minstry of Labour Trasing and Skills Development
Ontario Minstry of Labour Trasing and Skills Development
Ontario Minstry of Labour Trasing and Skills Development
Ontario Minstry of Labour Trasing and Skills Development
Ontario OCI
Ontario Ontario Centre of Excellence
Ontario Ontario Centre of Innovation
Ontario Ontario Creates
Ontario Ontario Creates
Ontario Ontario Natural Gas Expansion Support Program
Ontario Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board
Ontario Preventing Cybercrimes in Retail
Ontario Preventing Cybercrimes in Retail
Ontario Reconnect Festival & Events Grant
Ontario Roads and Traffic
Ontario SRED Program
Ontario Small Business Grant - COVID shutdown
Ontario Tourism
Ontario Canada Ministry of Transportation
Ontario Centres of Excellence Multiple R&D Programs including SOSCIP
Ontario Centres of Excellence Ontario Centres of Excellence
Ontario Centres of Excellence Ontario Centres of Excellence
Ontario Centres of Excellence TalentEdge Fellowship Program (TFP)
Ontario Centres of Excellence TalentEdge Internship Program (TIP)
Ontario Creates Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Ontario Creates Reconnect Ontario 2022
Ontario Government Canada Ontario Job Grants
Ontario Government Ministry of Economic Development Job Creation and Trade
Ontario Government Ministry of Finance
Ontario Government Ministry of Labour
Ontario Government Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities
Ontario Government Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities
Ontario Government Northern Ontario Heritage Foundation (NOHFC)
Ontario Government OCI
Ontario Government Ontario Center of Excellence
Ontario Government Ontario Centres of Excellence
Ontario Government Trillium foundation
Ontario Governmnet Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks
Ontario Govertnment OCE
Ontario Ministry of Energy Smart Grid Fund
Ontario Provincial Government Ministry of Community and social services, March of Dimes home and vehicle modification program
Ontario Provincial Government Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
Ontario Provincial Government Ministry of the Attorney General
Ontario Provincial Government Ministry of the Environment
Ontario Provincial Government Ontario Media Development Corporation (Ontario Music Investment Fund)
Ontario Provincial Govt Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network / Ontario Center of Innovation
Ontario and Canada Labour and Accessibility Canada
Ontario government Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
Ontario government Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
Ontario's Centre of Excellence OCE-CVTA
Province Of Ontario Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network
Province Of Ontario Wage Enhancement Grant
Province of Alberta Alberta Energy Regulator
Province of BC BC Forest Innovation Investment
Province of BC CleanBC
Province of British Columbia Ministry of Environment
Province of NB Worforce Expanansion
Province of NB Youth Employment Fund
Province of New Brunswick BNB-TACP
Province of New Brunswick Department of Post Secondary Education & Labour
Province of New Brunswick Opportunities New Brunswick
Province of New Brunswick Opportunities New Brunswick
Province of New Brunswick Working NB
Province of Nova Scotia Dept of Community Services
Province of Nova Scotia Dept of Community Services
Province of Nova Scotia Dept of Community Services
Province of Nova Scotia Dept of Community Services
Province of Nova Scotia Dept of Community Services
Province of Nova Scotia Dept of Community Services
Province of Nova Scotia Dept of Community Services
Province of Nova Scotia NS Housing Devt Corporation
Province of Nova Scotia NS Housing Devt Corporation
Province of Nova Scotia NS Housing Devt Corporation
Province of Nova Scotia NS Housing Devt Corporation
Province of Nova Scotia NS Housing Devt Corporation
Province of Nova Scotia NS Housing Devt Corporation
Province of Nova Scotia NS Housing Devt Corporation
Province of Ontario Agricultural and Rural Affairs
Province of Ontario Celebrate Ontario
Province of Ontario Celebrate Ontario
Province of Ontario Credit Valley Conservation Authority
Province of Ontario Fee Stabilization Grant
Province of Ontario Innovation Demonstration Fund
Province of Ontario MLITSD- Skills SDF Hospitality Connect
Province of Ontario MLITSD- Skills SDF Hospitality Connect
Province of Ontario MLITSD- Skills SDF Hospitality Connect
Province of Ontario MLITSD- Skills SDF Hospitality Connect
Province of Ontario MLITSD- Skills SDF Passport to Hospitality
Province of Ontario MLITSD- Skills SDF Passport to Hospitality
Province of Ontario MLITSD- Skills SDF Passport to Hospitality
Province of Ontario MLITSD- Skills SDF Passport to Hospitality
Province of Ontario MTCU
Province of Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration
Province of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation: Eastern Ontario Economic Development Fund
Province of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Ontario Investment Office
Province of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Ontario Investment Office
Province of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Ontario Investment Office
Province of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Ontario Investment Office
Province of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Ontario Investment Office
Province of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Ontario Investment Office
Province of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Ontario Investment Office
Province of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Ontario Investment Office
Province of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Ontario Investment Office
Province of Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion
Province of Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
Province of Ontario Ministry of Innovation
Province of Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Province of Ontario Ministry of Research & Innovation
Province of Ontario OCE - 5G Encore
Province of Ontario OCE - AVIN (Waterloo Region)
Province of Ontario OCE First Job Fund
Province of Ontario OCE Interact
Province of Ontario Ontario Center of Excellence
Province of Ontario Ontario Center of Excellence
Province of Ontario Ontario Centre of Innovation
Province of Ontario Ontario Centres for Excellence, AVIN
Province of Ontario Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation
Province of Ontario Ontario Trillium Foundation
Province of Ontario The Ontario Small Business Relief Grant
Province of Ontario Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
Province of Ontario Tourism - Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation (OTMPC)
Province of Prince Edward Island Innovation and Advanced Learning
Province of Quebec Investments Quebec
Provincial Celebrate Ontario
Provincial Celebrate Ontario
Provincial Ministry of Economic Development, Trade, & Employment
Provincial OCE Smart Start Seed Fund
Provincial OMDC
Provincial Ontario Arts Council
Provincial Ontario Arts Council
Provincial Ontario Arts Council
Provincial Ontario Arts Council
Provincial Ontario Arts Council
Provincial Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund
Provincial Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Provincial Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Provincial The Ontario Trillium Foundation
Provincial The Ontario Trillium Foundation
Provincial The Ontario Trillium Foundation
Provincial Government Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
Provincial Government Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund
Provincial Government Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund
Provincial Government Trillium Program
Provincial Government (Quebec) Technoclimat
Provincial Government of Ontario Economic Development - Hiring Grant
Provincial Government of Ontario Ontario Centres of Excellence
Provincial Government of Ontario Trillium Program
Provincial Govt OCE
Provincial governments numerous
Quebec Investissement Quebec
Quebec Ministere de L'Economie, Science et Innovation
Quebec Ministere de l'E‰conomie, Science et Innovation
Quebec Ministere du developpement economic
Quebec OQLF Retail Trade French Language Project
Quebec OQLF Retail Trade French Language Project
Quebec Recyc-Quebec
Quebec Recyc-Quebec
Quebec Subvention
Quebec Training Subsidy
Quebec Govenment Investissement Quebec
Quebec Govenment Investissement Quebec
Quebec Government Investissement Québec
Quebec Government Ministry of Economy
Québec Innovation
Revenue Quebec CDAE
Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead Economic Development
SR&ED Scientific Research & Expenditure Development
Selkirk First Nations N/A
Service canada Canada Summer Jobs
Southwark Borough Council Digital Communication
Sport Canada Ministry of Heritage
Sport Canada Ministry of Heritage
Staffordshire County Council Marketing & Communication
State of Alaska Department of Revenue
State of California Energy Commission
State of Hawaii DBEDT
State of Oregon Dept of Transportation
State of Washington Dept of Transportation
Sustainable Development Technology Canada Sustainable Development Technology Canada
Sweden Vinnova
TAC Music Project
Toronto Toronto Hydro
Toronto Arts Council Music Project
Toronto Arts Council Music Project
Toronto City Hall Economic Development Culture
Toronto City Hall Economic Development Culture
Town of Markham Town of Markham
Trade Commissioner Services GGI
U.S Government USDA
U.S. Government Department of Treasury
U.S. Government Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Government Food and Drug Administration
UK Government Environment Agency
US Government Center For Disease Control
US Small Business Association Paycheck Protection Program
USA Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program
United States Best Grant
United States We received an Small Business EIDL Loan in July, 2021
United States Government Department of Defense (via Subcontract)
United States Government Department of Energy
United States Government Department of Homeland Security (via Subcontract)
Vienna departure MA6
Westminster City Council Regeneration & Planning
Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory WUT Anishinaabemowin Department
Workers Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) WSIB Specialty Treatment Program
YES employment Intern program
Yukon Government Highway Public Works
Yukon Government Legislative Assembly
federal government CMHC
municipal fire departments and fire districts Various
ontario Ontario Electronic Stewardship
provincial government of Ontario SR&ED
provincial government of Ontario SR&ED